When you find yourself in the need to defend yourself, you should not hesitate. You should not waiver. Even though self-defense seems like it might be open and shut in the eyes of the law, this may not always be the case. In many cases, self-defense is tried as a much higher crime and you may be dragged through the justice system.
Throughout this lengthy process, you need Michigan Gun Law. We know the justice system and how to navigate the nuances and surprises that are sure to arise in criminal defense. We keep you updated throughout the process with transparency on our status and strategy. Our team has been trained by experts such as Massad Ayoob. We do this voluntarily so to ensure the most effective and up-to-date strategies and tactics are at our disposal for your defense.
When you find yourself in the need of an attorney, call Michigan Gun Law. You need an experienced attorney to aid in your defense.