Michigan Gun Law: A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Your Concealed Pistol License

Both the Michigan State Constitution and the Second Amendment confirm and protect the rights of all citizens to own and bear arms. Michigan is a “shall issue” state, meaning that any person who meets certain criteria and requirements may obtain a concealed pistol license.

State Requirements

All concealed carry pistol license (CPL) applicants must be:

  • 21 years of age or older
  • Either an American citizen or legal resident of the United States
  • A resident of Michigan for at least six months prior to applying. This six-month requirement may be waived under emergency conditions (e.g. your safety or that of your family depends on your receiving a CPL or if you hold a valid CPL issued by another state at the time your Michigan residency is established.

In addition, you must have successfully completed an approved pistol safety training class or course.

You will NOT be issued a CPL if you have experienced or are the subject of any of the following:

  • A felony conviction in Michigan or elsewhere
  • A personal protection order
  • Legal incapacitation
  • Involuntary hospitalization; however, there is a recent Sixth Circuit Court case that addresses this issue, which this firm will explain how the court’s decision will apply.
  • A declaration of not guilty by reason of insanity
  • A conditional release or bond that prohibits the possession of a firearm
  • Dishonorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces

Pursuant to MCL 28.426, you also may not receive a CPL if federal law prohibits you from possessing or transporting a firearm.

How to Apply

After completing the required pistol safety training course, you must file a copy of the CPL application at the county clerk’s office in the county where you live. The application has to include:

  • A certificate stating that you have completed an approved pistol safety training course
  • A passport-quality photograph

Many county clerk offices request that you submit this paperwork within six months of having taken a pistol safety training class.

Upon paying all necessary fees and filing the application, you must be fingerprinted by the county clerk, sheriff’s office, state or local police, or other approved agency. The county clerk shall issue your CPL or notice of statutory disqualification within 45 days after the date your fingerprints are taken. Once issued by your county licensing board, your permit is valid for three years.

For assistance with applying for your concealed pistol license, contact Michigan Gun Law today. We will answer your questions and help you understand Michigan law as it pertains to gun ownership.

~Originally posted in October of 2016~

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