According to the Michigan State Police Concealed Pistol License (CPL) annual report for 2014-15, 1,630 CPL licenses were suspended for a wide range of reasons. The six most common grounds for suspension are explored below: in each instance, you will receive notification of the suspension at your last known address, as well as information about your right to have a timely hearing on the matter.
If you are charged with a felony or a certain specified misdemeanor (or both), your local county gun board can immediately suspend your CPL until a final deposition of the charges takes place.
If the authorities have reason to believe that you are dangerous to yourself or others, the county gun board will suspend your CPL until a revocation hearing takes place. Examples of suspect behavior include threatening or attempting suicide or issuing threats toward others.
Certain areas like courthouses, hospitals, and schools, are designated “pistol-free zones” in Michigan. If you are found on any of these premises with a concealed pistol (and are a first offender), the court will order that your county gun board suspend your CPL privileges for six months. It is important to note that subsequent violations are not treated as civil infractions.
If a law enforcement officer suspects that you are carrying a concealed pistol and your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .02 or higher, they may require you to submit to a chemical analysis to determine the degree of your impairment. If you refuse, the officer may notify the county gun board of your refusal and your CPL could be suspended as a result.
If a Michigan law enforcement officer subjects you to a traffic stop and you fail to notify him or her that you are legally carrying a concealed pistol, you could potentially be fined, lose your CPL privileges for six months, or both. Any subsequent violations shall lead to a definite revocation.
If you are found responsible for violating a minimum of three Michigan civil infractions within a single licensing period, your county gun board will conduct a hearing and may suspend your CPL privileges for up to one year. Examples of state civil infractions include:
If you have received notice that your CPL has been suspended or a hearing on the subject is forthcoming, contact Michigan Gun Law for advice and representation. We are committed to protecting your Second Amendment rights and will take all possible steps to prevent them from being unnecessarily revoked.